Incident Response Plans (IRP), Disaster Recovery Plans (DRP), and Tabletop Exercises are designed to prepare organizations for effective response and recovery from security incidents and disasters, while also providing hands-on, scenario-based training through tabletop exercises.
This comprehensive approach ensures not only the development of robust plans but also the practical readiness of teams to implement these plans under various scenarios. Here’s how these consulting services typically unfold:
Initial Assessment and Analysis
Plan Development and Enhancement
Tabletop Exercises Design and Facilitation
Training and Awareness Programs
Implementation Support and Continuous Improvement

Post-Implementation Support
Choose Asylas for your cybersecurity needs, where your security is our top priority.
IRPs, DRPs, and Tabletop Exercises equip organizations with not only the strategic frameworks needed to respond to and recover from incidents and disasters but also the practical, hands-on experience necessary to ensure these plans are effectively executed when needed. Through a blend of planning, training, and simulated response exercises, organizations enhance their preparedness, resilience, and ability to minimize the impact of unexpected events.