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October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Every year, the campaign adopts a theme. This year’s theme is “See Yourself in Cyber.” While security seems like a daunting task, it ultimately comes down to individual people making smart decisions. But people can’t make smart decisions without education and awareness. To help spread awareness and to humanize the security space, Asylas is doing a special blog series in October. Each Wednesday, we’ll be sharing our favorite sources of information, from blogs to podcasts to individual hashtags and social media accounts. 

In the third installment of our Cybersecurity Awareness Month posts, we’re covering…blogs! Of course we think the best blog is our own, but there are plenty of others to include on your reading list. We recommend adding your favorite blogs to a feed reader like Feedly

The AWS Security Blog covers cloud security issues and provides the latest news about AWS launches, events, and more. 

For professionals working with Microsoft Cloud Services, the Azure Security Blog is a must read. Posts are written by professionals within the Microsoft organization, from the CTO to product managers, marketers, and vice presidents of various Azure divisions. 

International digital services and academic knowledge group Informa runs Dark Reading, a blog that covers the latest news about all things security. Topics include attacks and breaches; threat intelligence; and detailed articles about privacy, vulnerability management, database security, compliance, and much more. 

Security Intelligence is similar to Dark Reading but with less frequent posts and more in-depth series on topics such as the costs of data breaches and offensive research and security. 

For up-to-date news and education on data breach detection, notification, and prevention, follow Data Breach Today

Brian Krebs was a reporter for the Washington Post for 14 years. He wrote over a thousand articles for the Post’s Security Fix blog, as well as hundreds of other stories. Now he runs Krebs on Security, a blog that reports in-depth on security news. 

TechRepublic wants to help you make great decisions about technology. Their team of journalists and real-world professionals cover best practices, how-tos, and breaking IT news on the TechRepublic blog.

The Hacker News covers the latest cybersecurity news and reports on current and future infosec trends. They aim to bridge the gap between a wide range of communities–from geeks to CISOs, security researchers to business leaders. Everyone meets at The Hacker News.

Finally, be sure to follow the blogs of your specific vendors like Cisco, ServiceNow, Stripe, etc. Staying on top of best practices for the software, hardware, and services you use every day is crucial to your business’s security.  

If you need cybersecurity and risk management help and can’t find the answer in a blog, reach out to Asylas at 615-622-4591 or Or complete our contact form.

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