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October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Every year, the campaign adopts a theme. This year’s theme is “See Yourself in Cyber.” While security seems like a daunting task, it ultimately comes down to individual people making smart decisions. But people can’t make smart decisions without education and awareness. To help spread awareness and to humanize the security space, Asylas is doing a special blog series in October. Each Wednesday, we’ll be sharing our favorite sources of information, from blogs to podcasts to individual hashtags and social media accounts. 

During the second week of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we are recommending social media accounts and tags to follow. One of the best ways to “See Yourself in Cyber” is to hear from people like you who are doing the work every single day. It takes a lot of dedicated humans making a lot of smart decisions to keep our data and privacy safe online. 

Here’s what the team at Asylas likes to follow:


CISA (@cyber)

National Cybersecurity Alliance (@staysafeonline)

Cyber Security News (@CyberSecurityN8)



The Cyber World

Cyber Safe News

The Cyber Security Hub

Facebook Groups


Cyber Secrets: Forensics, Hacking, and Security

Parenting in a Tech World

As always, if you need help developing robust cybersecurity policies and awareness campaigns for your business, reach out to Asylas at 615-622-4591 or Or complete our contact form.

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