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Security Memes: The Humor Break You Deserve

By December 16, 2020No Comments

2020 was…unexpected, am I right?! It was a year when nothing went according to plan. Everything was “unprecedented” and we all got “Zoom fatigue” while we were “WFH.” 

We also suffered an alarming number of new and reimagined cyber threats. The past two weeks have been especially troubling. FireEye announced that it was hacked by a nation-state. And the U.S. departments of Commerce, Homeland Security, and Treasury were also breached in a serious attack that is still under investigation. 

In the spirit of giving everyone a break from the boredom and the chaos of a difficult year, we decided to round up our favorite security memes in one post. We all deserve a moment of levity, and this crazy year still gave us a few reasons to smile. Remember the woman who turned herself into a potato for the duration of a business call? And Nathan Apodaca sipping cranberry juice while longboarding on his way to work? Moments like those helped us get by and these memes gave us all a boost too. 

Everyone at Asylas wishes you a healthy and happy holiday season. We look forward to a better year in 2021.

As always, if you find yourself in need of security awareness training, risk assessment, or pen testing, Asylas has got your back! Call 615-622-4591 or email Or complete our contact form.

Get your hoodie ready! 

Another one? Stop. It. Now.

Maybe you should just get a new job.

Don’t be that website. (source)

Yeah, I think I’ll install it tomorrow. (source)

Better late than never?

Click on this link from an unknown source? Don’t mind if I do.

Email? What email?

Extreme security. (source)

You do you, I guess?

And, yes, there will be a next time.

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